Hypnogagogic Hallucination
0 comments Published Friday, December 26, 2008 by stina inThat is what I keep having. Being paralysed while sleeping. Thinking I am awake and conscious but actually being in a limbo state that is neither asleep nor awake. Being unable to move after actively trying to. It is an incredibly scary experience and even though there are scientific explanations for it, I don't wanna know what the paranormal websites have got to say on it!
I like Christmas, but it's only fun when you have others to spend it with. Otherwise your screwed. If the bright lights and decorations and cheesy Christmas movies don't do your head in first, then the advertising surely will. Get them what they really want this Christmas- a gift voucher! Keep her happy this Christmas with Bevilles jewellry! Let the wife and kids have a stress-free Christmas, get Criso hampers!
Businesses capitalise on Christmas and that's all there is in terms of the holiday's surface value. The only way to really spend Christmas is to eat with your family. (And by eat, I mean ravage. Like Waz said, kidnap some farmyard animals and shove prods up their bums, and grill them till their unrecognisable hunks of brown.) It's actually even better to have a boyfriend around Christmas, because you get to eat his family's food as well as yours, during the day at least. And then you come home before dinner and there's nothing in the fridge, and your mum is at your grandparents house so you decide to skip dinner because it means you won't wake up with such a fat stomach tommorow, but then at the last minute you crack and at midnight you raid your fridge and make some wonky sushi with the leftover salmon and rice and stuff it all into your mouth at whilst crying tears of guilt at the same time. Haha.
But no really, Christmas was good today. I loved all of my presents, and can't wait to consume the Yellow :) Prehaps for New Years? This year, Christmas was definetly in my good books.
Things that are most certainly NOT in my good books (I'll keep this quick):
- FUCKING EDWARD CULLEN. He is NOTHING BUT A FIGMENT OF SOME OLD WOMAN'S IMAGINATION. MY GOD. The bandwagon of Edward Cullen adorers is now so effing big that you really have to wonder if these girls actually jump on it because they love Edward Cullen, or because they jumped on because their friends did. Regardless, I have only read the first Twilight book and I don't plan to read the rest. Why? Because Twilight is gay. Utterly and Irrevocably Gay. Poorly written, oldest concept in the world being treated like its something fresh and new and amazing, shit heroine with personality of a peice of wood, Robert Pattison looking like he can fit small coins between every gap in his teeth.
I know Stephanie Meyers thinks she deserves all that money, but all she really did was transform screaming 13 year old girls into more screaming 13 year old girls, which doesn't really deserve positive recognition. At first I didn't care about it all, but just being surrounded by the twilight craze is enough to make me hate it. It's not that good. I LOVE vampire romance stories- but they could have picked a better one to make a fuss over than this 3rd grade peice of boring poo poo.
- Customers. Of all shapes and sizes. The negative ones. The fat bitches who yell at you because you don't give them every second of your precious time, like they're the most important person on the world. The ones who make complaints at the end even when you apologise and tell them that you'll never make that mistake again. Some stupid fat bitch at Rodd & Gunn said ignored her when I was on my break. Well I was ON MY BREAK, and I didn't even see her walk past! NOT done out of malice! I came off my break (only 10 mins later) and asked her if she needed any help. She said no, I'm going to be served by the other lady, because you have ignored me. I look at the 'other lady'. She's completely busy. I say look, I can help you now if you'd like, to save you time waiting for the other lady to finish up. And the fat bitch says no, I will just keep waiting for her, because you ignored me and I don't want to be served by you.
She also made sure to tell me "I have trained in customer service and I've never seen someone ignore me like you have" (which I guess makes sense, it can be hard to miss such a fat person in the store, and for that I feel abit guilty) like she was some kind of customer service pro. Whatever, just pretend like you're bloofy Anna Wintours from Vogue and not some middle aged whale bitch with botox, buying size 104 pants for her husband. So I make my heartfelt apology and tell her that I will keep my ears out open next time. And she says OK, fine. Then later complains for a good 5 minutes that the service she just had was the slowest she's ever experienced. Well that's her own fault for refusing to accept my help! God, do people just TRY and be stupid?!
For the record, the customer is NEVER right!
Always pushing up the hill searching for the thrill of it
On and on and on we are calling out and out again
Never looking down I’m just in awe of what’s in front of me
Walking on a Dream- Empire of the Sun
this heart attack
0 comments Published Wednesday, December 17, 2008 by stina inI'm so tireddddddddd!
How could I be so tired from doing nothing? My body is so weird...I seriously have not done a thing today and yet I was so tired earlier on that I couldn't even move off the couch. I couldn't keep my eyes open. My whole body was cramping. Wtf mate =[
I think it might be because in the past three days I've eaten nothing but fast food. And now I've got clogged up arteries and I'm feeling tired because my heart is practically killing itself trying to send the blood around my body. I just yawned and it made my heart hurt. That confirms it. Ughhhhh.
the most despised phone conversation in the world
0 comments Published Monday, December 15, 2008 by stina in"Hi good afternoon, is this ______?" = (please don't hang up)
"Yes." = (suspicious)
"It's Christina calling from __________, how are you today?" = (please don't hang up)
"Good." = (fuck off)
"That's good." = (please don't hang up)
"Silence" = (silence)
"We're currently conducting some research on ______, I was just wondering if I could ask-" = (please don't interrupt me by hanging up)
"Yeh look. I'm not interested thanks. Byeeeeeee." = (seriously, fuck off, you've ruined my day)
"Ok...bye. Have a good day" = (I want to go home and hug my mummy.)
Guess who got another job interview at another market research company?
i am a non-retard!!
0 comments Published Thursday, December 11, 2008 by stina in=]
After having mucho nightmares about failing, I got up this morning and did a zombie walk straight to the computer. After opening portal I could already see that I had no new emails. Usually, if you fail, you immediately get sent a 'Student at Risk' email telling you to make an appointment with a course advisor. BUT I DIDN'T HAVE ANY NEW EMAILS!!! SO I OPENED UP THE 'GET MY RESULTS' PAGE AND I SAW ROWS AND ROWS OF GLORIOUS P'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P'S WHICH GET ME MY DEGREE!!!!!! I'VE FINALLY PASSED QM AND CAN NOW MOVE ON TO BIGGER AND BETTER THINGS!! (SUCH AS MARKET RESEARCH! COZ I'M TOO STUPID TO DO QM2!!)
anxiousness and glory
0 comments Published by stina inMy work and hence money plan:
2 x Sofias a week ~ $90
1 x Rodd Gunn ~ $100
At least 4 x somewhere else ~ ?
1 x Stripping ~ $1000
I'm ONLY JOKING about the last one! But seriously job hunting today was almost kinda fun. And it's handy when your mum is your referee and no employers know this, because asian mums still keep their maiden names after marriage. So at least I get a glowing reference from somewhere. The lady from Rodd Gunn today phoned up my mum, and my mum told her all about how great I was at customer service, how much everyone in the workplace liked me, how there wasn't even a single thing I needed to improve on. Haha. A bunch of lies! But it worked. So I work in an old mans clothes store now. If I wanted to, I could get discount clothes for my grandpa, and transform him into the hippest grandpa around Mitcham. I can be a stylist for old men, and teach them how to color coordinate their sandals with their socks, how to dress for garden parties, and whether or not to pick the turtleneck or the T-shirt with squiggles all over it, for whatever upcoming occasion. Looking good matters when you're older too, you know.
Btw. Exam results come out tommorow. I have the craziest feeling that I've failed at least one subject. Will update if this is found to be true and hence I will need to jump off Eastlink.
This is sort of going to be like a mini-rant. I think I relate well to people sometimes, but alot of the time I have absolutely no understanding about their preferences and pastimes. I think the best example of this, is TV shows. I have NO attachment whatsoever to ANY TV show, apart from the Simpsons (and Days of Our Lives, but thats sort of like a childhood thing. And Xtreme Makeover.) What I'm getting at is, I don't follow dramas. At all. I guess you could call Days of Our Lives dramatic in some ways, but it's like I-died-and-came-back-to-life-3-times-and-my-mother-is-also-my-sister kind of dramatic, whereas the shows that my friends seem to enjoy are just.....boring.
Everyone I know has at least one TV show that they consider their vice. Waz is in love with Blue Heelers. I can name about 100000000000 friends who follow Gossip Girl and Grey's Anatomy almost religiously. And then there's Friday Night Lights. Back in the day it was the OC, Lost, Heroes etc. etc. Anyway I tried to get into them, I honestly did. And all the manic fans of these shows will probably say scornfully "Oh, you've only watched like 2 episodes. You have to watch from start to finish, otherwise of COURSE you won't get into it like duh."
But it's not like that! I don't form attachments to the characters on TV shows. I HATED the OC. Everyone on that show was annoying, I'm sorry. But the craze that followed the actors.....I don't understand it when people say "Oh, she's sooooo funny and loveable," like 'she' was a real person. When in fact, 'she' is a fictional character played by some coke-snorting Hollywood actress with no actual personality apart from what she puts on when acting. And people can talk for HOURS about these shows, like "Oh my god, I wish A and B would just hook up already! It's totally pissing me off!" or "Oh my god, the code used by so-and-so in episode 3 of season 4 was just sooo clever, who would have thought that A managed to figure it out?" and "Oh my god it was soooo funny when A was cooking breakfast and then B walked in and said BLAH BLAH BLAH! HAHAHA!!" and "I adoreeeeeeee A, I love the little flick thing he does with his hair, and he has the coolest music posters on his wall!"
Gah. These are not REAL PEOPLE! Talk about your own lives!! Talk about stuff that is not brainstormed, scripted, acted out repeatedly, edited and distributed to networks!! How can people just sit there and watch entire seasons all day!? Where is the fun in watching a bunch of fake people do stuff that 80-90% mirrors your own life? I admit that I do watch the odd show or two for escapism....but to follow a TV show with almost more interest than you have for your own life? To treat the characters like friends or accquaintances, to quote endless dialogue exerpts instead of speaking REAL WORDS about the life that YOU lead? I know I can't talk, because I like Xtreme Makeover and Days of Our Lives, which really indicates that I have shit taste, but seriously.....SERIOUSLY.......WHY ARE TV SHOWS SO FASCINATING TO PEOPLE!
I just read an article and it's pissing me off.
Yellow fever. Asiaphilia. What a concept. Ever since I can remember, I have been singled out by others for one trait: being Asian. In primary school, it was the whole "ching chong china man" bullshit. In high school, I was an asian nerd. And then, ever since I ditched my glasses and started straightening my hair everyday, the racist nonsense progressed into something else. I don't even know if it's better or worse, but I became more and more aware of guys who possessed yellow fever. Courtesy of urban dictionary, here are only two out of almost 30 definitions for the "condition":
6. | Yellow Fever | 221 up, 64 down ![]() ![]() |
When a white male has an excessive attraction towards females of the Asian persuasion regardless of how FOBISH or jacked up looking the girl really is; he’ll still think she’s the most fuckable thing on the planet. Also, they know nothing about the girls culture, can rarely tell the difference between any nationalities, think they all fuck like the girls they see in porn and never heard of Laos until King of The Hill. |
12. | Yellow Fever | 131 up, 93 down ![]() ![]() |
One is said to have yellow fever if one finds himself most attracted to Asian or Asian-American women. Rightfully so because they are the most beautiful women on earth. Everyone should have yellow fever. Yellow fever is not a crime. |
This is how I view yellow fever (in the most objective way that I am capable of putting it).
Asian girl likes asian boys. Asian boys like asian girls. This is the natural order. Neither are considered to have yellow fever. White boy has preference for asian girls, he has yellow fever. White boy only dates asian girls, he has yellow fever VERY BAD. Asian girl likes white boys, she has white fever. Asian boy likes white girls, no one cares because 99% of the time he will get rejected.
I quote- not word for word, but close enough- that asian girls are especially appreciated by certain white guys because we are polite, smart, submissive and- this is a quote- more slender than white girls. We are also tigresses in bed, because apparently white girls aren't as horny as us, which is bullshit, but I'll get to that later.
What bothers me most is the idea that asian girls are all replaceable. Is that not true? Guys can't even tell which part of Asia we're from. I get Korean, Japanese, Thai, you name it, someone has suggested it. I think they are just in love with that entire area of the world; as long as we're small, skinny, have black hair and dark brown eyes, we're good enough. White boys can take their pick from the crop. And that just pisses me off.
It's bad enough that some white guys just sleep with us because we're asian, but it's worse that so many of us are willing. Just because they're white. I don't think we're amazing in bed; and even if we are, no more so than other girls. Maybe it's more to do with the fact that we sleep with white guys to a) keep their eyes and attention on us and b) they're Western so they can't really understand any qualms that we may have had about sleeping together. And maybe our "gynaecological advantages" come from the general way that our body is built; small, slender etc. etc.
Theories aside, when you're an asian girl and you're looking at this whole situation, you feel absolutely no sense of individuality, no sense of independence or deviance from the rest of them. We're cute, shy, have straight black hair, and virtually nothing else stands out. We are a clump, a demographic; a list on the menu for white boys to look at. And we think it's perfectly ok, we even find it flattering.
I suppose I don't usually let it bother me, but when a fat, perverted sweaty middle-aged man starts talking to me out of nowhere, the conversation starter being which part of Asia do I come from, then I sort of notice something nagging at the back of my mind, yeah. Or when I meet a white guy, and he just so happens to fuck a new asian girl every week because they'll easily go home with him, and has no respect for them, or when I hear stories about my white friends being worshipped by asian girls when they go overseas, who just stand around him giggling, speaking nonsensical English and throwing themselves at him, that nagging kinda does return also.
typical blog
0 comments Published Saturday, December 6, 2008 by stina inIsn't it weird when you have really, really vivid dreams that you can't even differentiate from reality? Even weirder still is when you have a dream that almost reflected what happened to you earlier in the night, so that you barely even make distinctions between which was real and which was concocted by your mind. For fucks sake, why do I dream about stuff that is so realistic that it just leaves me so confused as to whether or not it actually happened? Aren't people supposed to dream of wonderfully unique things like flying or rainbows or monsters?
On another note, my mum bought a new house and didn't even tell me until last night!! She called me and asked me if I was coming home for dinner. And then just before we were about to hang up, she added "By the way, I bought a new house." And I was all like "WHAT!!!" So apparently I'm moving to Nunawading soon! EEEEEP! I haven't seen the new house in real life, but she showed me an ad for it and it is gorgeous. It is literally smokinnn'. I get the upstairs area, while the rest of my family (including grandparents) move into the downstairs. It's like a similar arrangement to what I have now- my own seperate part of the house, except that now instead of having grandparents living one block away, they will be living downstairs. But my grandparents are pretty quirky, so they'll be fun to live with. Sort of.
Anyway Waz's reaction to me moving: "DON'T MOOOOOVE! I WON'T BE ABLE TO DRIVE TO YOUR HOUSE AS QUICKLY!!" Hahaha I love you Waz.
I had tom yum soup last night and I burnt my tongue HARD. I can still feel it this morning. My tongue feels like sandpaper and I can't talk properly =[
i don't know what to do with myself
0 comments Published Monday, December 1, 2008 by stina inI just had the most SCARY dream ever!! I mean my heart is literally pounding its way out of my chest right now, because of this dream aka NIGHTMARE!
Picture this: I'm lying in bed and I think I'm awake. So I try and get up. But I can't get up. I can move my eyes around, but I can't move my head. I try to turn my neck sideways. And for the longest time I can't, but when I finally do my neck makes a series of snapping sounds. I'm freaking out and just KEEP trying to get out of bed. When I manage to crawl out, 2 seconds later, I'm back in bed. In the same position as I was when I awoke. Like nothing ever happens. I crawl out again, this time landing on the floor, and 2 seconds later I'm lying down in bed as though I had just woken up. Again. It happens about 15 times in a row. Finally I give up, and tell myself I'm going back to sleep. But before I go to sleep, I try and raise my arm over my head. I can feel the arm going over my head, but I can't see it. It's like I can feel everything, but my body can't move the way I want it too. I can't even see my arms. God it sounds so weird, but it's exactly what happened.
Then I realised I was dead. And I said out loud, "Am I dead?" And suddenly this guy appears and he's lying next to me, and he looks unconscious. I look at him and I say, "Jesus, am I dead?" And he gets up straight away, and he's just this modern-looking version of Jesus with shoulder length brown hair, a beard and casual clothes, and he (with a completely serious face) says "Yes. You died this morning, that's why you can't move your body." And I couldn't register what he said. I mean I couldn't accept it. I finally asked him "How?" and he said, "Your boyfriend calls you every morning, so you always keep the phone by your head. This morning you had it near your face, and the little flap that covers the USB broke off and went up your nose and down your throat. And you choked to death."
God it was such a weird dream. I remember thinking, wow. So this is what it's like to be dead. Everyone's gonna laugh at me, because I died in such a retarded way. Trust me to die this way. I haven't even done anything with my life yet. How am I gonna tell Waz that I'm dead. How am I gonna tell Your Source that I'm dead??
I can't believe I thought of that last thing. Hahahaha!
Anyway, the second after I thought about that, I woke up. And I actually woke up gasping for once. You know in those movies when the lead girl has a nightmare about being naked, then wakes up and feels her body everywhere just to make sure she's not? I did that the second I woke up. I mean I put my hands EVERYWHERE. It was nice to feel that I had a body again. And that my voluntary movement was back.
I'm still so chilled by the concept of what I just dreamt. This isn't the first time it's happened either. God I have the worst imagination ever.
unexplained hatred
0 comments Published Thursday, November 27, 2008 by stina inTo watch you spin around in circles
Falling through the cracks inside your mind
That's fine
And I've been through the darkest hour
Made it to the other side of you
I just can't live without you
I live for the day
I live for the night
That you will be desperate
And I am inside
I live for the tears
To fall down your face
I live for the words
You'll finally say...
I live for the day
I wanna see you crying
Just wanna see you crying
I live for the day
the finished product of a long day
1 comments Published Tuesday, November 25, 2008 by stina inIt's been a while since I blogged last. And there has been a reason for that- I felt like there hasn't been all that much to say; every mood I've been in hasn't lasted long enough to actually drive me to blog. Here's what is on my mind. Tonight I have been eating like a pig and I'm still craving one thing. Just one thing:

I'm Chinese, so I'm not really allowed to love Japanese people. Har har. Not until they officially admit that they were cold, heartless monsters back in the day anyway. I'd also have to agree that whaling is a pretty bad practise. But oh my gooooood, I love their food. They make some of the nicest food in the world. I live in Australia, a country where barbecues, roasts and fish&chips dominate. But I just wish that everyone here ate Japanese food, then it wouldn't be such a hassle to get to and it wouldn't be so expensive either! Then our Maccas would have the Mega Teriyaki burger too!!
Plus I really do think that we get 90% of our recipes from other countries. It's not cause we're uncreative, it's because our country hasn't really had the long and colorful history and culture of others. I'm not sure what we have that we can call our national food, apart from kangaroo meat, vegemite, lamingtons (?) and pavlovas (which New Zealand claim came from their country first anyway). And anzac biscuits. So I guess in conclusion, there should be ten thousand billion times more Japanese food in Australia than there is right now.
I also have one more thing to mention. I don't know why I'm writing this, but when I was babysitting with Waz tonight I watched him walk away from me, down the hallway. I actually stared at him walking down the hallway. And I sat there with a smile on my face. I know it sounds almost creepy, but it was just a happy smile. On a happy girl. I've never watched anyone like that before. This is getting deep.
0 comments Published Tuesday, November 18, 2008 by stina inEvery bitter sickening word breaks my heart
Why can't anybody hear
When the thunder disappears
And the sun breaks free
It's time for mercy
Pretty please...
2 comments Published Monday, November 17, 2008 by stina inTerrible. Terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible. It is actually so terrible that I typed out every single "Terrible" instead of just copy pasting.
"How did you go on your psych exam today?"
"But psych is so easy and the questions were multiple choice-"
I don't know what to make of myself. At times I feel so insanely happy, then at times I feel like there is nothing motivating me to move forward in my life and grow up. I failed a psych exam today. The Arts hippies were probably clucking their tongues in disapproval.
My result would turn the entire bell curve into a negatively skewed graph, my one shit result being at the complete end of the left tail, while everybody else's sits comfortably within the 'pass' region. I can picture the machine, trying to figure out what the hell I had completed my exam in (eyeliner, as a pathetic substitute for a pencil), then just concluding someone had basically taken that exam paper and wiped their ass with it, and had somehow managed to sneak it into the pile of other papers, papers which, unlike mine, are destined for a big fat pass.
I am almost in tears. Why didn't I remember to bring a pencil and eraser! The examiners had none left. I could change any of my answers, even when I realised that some were obviously wrong.
I don't like Melbourne University. I don't like the masses of geniuses who attend and I especially don't like being compared to them. I am competent in some areas. But proving myself whilst trying not to let other student's and their ridiculously high IQ's affect me is not one of them.
The saddest thing of all is, I would transfer to somewhere and do a course I actually like. For example, I would transfer to RMIT and embark on some freakin' sweet creative course (I watched Napoleon Dynamite last w/e). But I can't, because I can't leave Melbourne, because that would make me a failure. To my family, it would leave me stranded for future work options and to myself, it would strip me of the empty prestige I revel in when I think about the fact that I attend the best University in Australia. I seemed to have forgotten that along with the so-called 'best quality education' comes its genius students, spilling forth their clever brains onto the school courtyards, the lawns, the libraries. All I see are giant, walking brains. Glowing and full of knowledge. I know I sound a bit weird right now. I'm in that kind of mood.
Two other thoughts:
-I couldn't help smiling everytime I saw a guy with a moustache today. Even the ones who have obviously struggled to grow a few straggly strands on their upper lip; I find you all hilarious. Unfortunately, I still wax my upper lip this month and so I will not be joining you guys in all your moustache glory. Maybe next year.
-I love Waz. It kind of always amazes me that I could feel so certain about someone. When I turn into a senile old grandma I will still love you. And hopefully my senility will get rid of the sore memory that is Melbourne University along the way.
Oh no, wait. I have another thought.
So I know I've blogged about you before, only I've always kept your identity secret. Well tonight I'm still letting you stay anonymous. But I'm this close to saying your name out loud, just so I can let whoever reads this know that it's you, and you're the one person I despise. Since I can't make you face me so I can cram these words down your throat, because I'm too stubborn to act as though I'm aware you exist, I will just write what I feel here.
You are a fuckhead. You are, quite possibly, the shittest person alive. I fucking hate you with a passion. I just can't believe I've dedicated so much time and brainpower, towards fucking hating you. What a waste of my life. And you know what? I don't care. I'm hating because you're hating.
I knew it was there in you, waiting for an excuse, any excuse, to come out. I'm glad I gave you that excuse; because I got to see who you really were. Now, words cannot describe my opinion of you. They really can't. Because an adequate enough vocabulary has not yet been crafted to cater to my word selection when I think of you. Yes, this is one complicated hatred. Because you are one complicated, hateful, spiteful little shit. You're the mother of all messed up, hateful, spiteful little shits. And you're so goddamn petty. You were always like that. Old habits die hard, yours ain't gonna die at all. You stupid shit.
Things that are making me soo attractive today:
-Stale breath
-Scum feet covered in cuts
-Gross random rash on my calf
-Eye bags the size of the universe
-'I am nauseous' facial expression
-Being a wanker to my boyfriend
-Just being an overall feral person......
I belong in the outback, in a mud shack. Living amongst the wilderness...catching and eating bugs and taking baths in swamps. And not ever socialising with anyone, ever.
rmI was up late last night again reading a book I hadn't touched in ages. Michael and I went to the author's book signing a few years back, and we thought we were so smart. We waited in line, he gave her work about a 8/10, I complained that she wrote in too much of a rambling fashion. It was so stupid. Who were we to criticise? Everything she wrote about rang true to me at some stage in my life. She was a solicitor, a teacher and a writer. She was nothing short of a genius. I was engrossed by the book but at the same time, I despised her because she had managed to write and publish almost everything I had ever thought about writing myself. Her childhood almost mirrored mine. Damn us Asians! All leading identical, sheltered lives growing up.
"I asked him whether I made him happy, which was something I had never doubted before, but now I was losing faith in my own capacities. He laughed, there was no doubt about it, he gave me his answer and I knew he meant it. He had laughed because it was a stupid question with one obvious answer, and he meant the answer.
"Do I make you happy?" he asked me in return, and I knew he expected the same honesty. But the only answer I could give him was a white lie, and then I started to cry. He probably thought that this confirmed what I had said, but actually I was crying becaue I was a liar, and the truth was that being with him made me miserable. No longer did I feel the urge to share my observations of the world with him. He could see my world for what it was- a set of rules and finely drawn lines and fraudulent erasures."
-From Alice Pung's Unpolished Gem
high school dramas
0 comments Published Tuesday, November 4, 2008 by stina inTo all you high schoolers going through VCE exams:
Exams suck, I know. And I probably shouldn't be saying this, because I did them myself two years ago, so I know how painful they can be. BUT. Stop complaining about them!! To be honest, my (completely unbiased of course) view on VCE exams are that they HAVE NOTHING ON UNI EXAMS!! So suck it up, princesses!
You guys keep going on and on about how you 'failed' a certain exam when it's quite obvious that a majority of those who do the complaining are asian kids who have never seen an F in their life, and have spent the past semester or even year in complete lockdown at home, I'm talking hardcore hermit mode, memorising entire textbooks and cutting up cue cards and hanging posters on their walls so that they can be the last thing they see before they sleep. DON'T SAY YOU FAILED WHEN YOU KNOW YOU'RE GOING TO GET A BLOODY 99.95. You may think that you're being 'humble', but at the end of the day, you're just being rude!
Think about those kids who genuinely did fail! Do they ever ramble on and on about how they bombed out? You not only eventually prove to them that you're smarter, but you also rub it in their faces by complaining about how badly you thought you went, and how 'surprised' you are that you got A+ for every SAC and exam. Yeh right. It's sooooo surprising that you got a perfect ENTER because after all, you only managed to live, breathe and eat homework all year. You've probably missed every single 18th party to study at home. HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO WELL?! woooooow!
In Uni, we worry about failing because every time we do it costs us about $2000, and looks nasty to our future employers. In high school, you asian kids worry about failing because YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY NOT GOING TO FAIL AND JUST WANT TO FEED YOUR HUGE ACADEMIC EGOS. SO GIVE IT A REST. KINDLY PLEASE.
Thank You,
Me (pissed off uni student ABOUT TO FAIL HER QM EXAM FOR THE LAST TIME)
stina gets soppy
0 comments Published Sunday, November 2, 2008 by stina inIt occured to me not long ago, that there are such simple pleasures to be derived from love. Love does not always have to play out the way it would in a movie. It needs no hero or heroine. It is not some overblown drama. It needs no complexity. Nor does it need any of the excess bullshit that we find ourselves swimming in for the sake of love. It does not have to screw with your head or tear you up inside.
You can fight with the person you love, cry over them, lose control and rage at them....but you can't forget them, and maybe all that bullshit will obstruct you from love, but you know that deep down it does not reflect the concept of love and what it means. When you are mesmerised by the color of someones eyes, when you feel a dull ache in your heart for no apparent reason...when you sit next to them and experience a cocktail of emotions...bliss, and fear, and hope, and a little voice reminding you that it's almost too good to be true....these are moments gratifying enough for me to be able to call love.
When you think about that person and suddenly there is a feeling there, so profound and so ingrained within yourself that you honestly believe you'll never be able to eradicate it....that is what I call love. It's something that confuses you, and you can't even describe how much they mean to you- because what they represent is immeasurable, it takes all the words out of your mouth, it frees you of all logic and reason, replacing them with the sudden awareness that you are alive, and living with a purpose...and that purpose is to love them as much as they love you.
So next time, go back to the lowest common denominator. Think about the way they talk, and smile and laugh- the way they look at you, the feel of their hands on your skin, how they say "I love you", that simple statement which makes you feel anything but...and cast aside the rest, because you need to savor what is created during these moments... because honestly, nothing else matters.
i can literally feel the severity of my mood right now
1 comments Published Thursday, October 30, 2008 by stina inDo I want to be perfect?
The living, breathing definition of perfect, in all aspects that I consider important, in all aspects that I aspire to be? Cultured, confident and wise? And happy?
Do I want to fucking live in some cutesy little city apartment with pot plants hanging off the balcony?
Do I want to work at some pretentious Chanel boutique or illustrious accounting firm to pay it off?
Yes. It's not something I think about everyday, but the feeling is there.
But what will happen? Fucked if I know. These things just aren't a part of me.
Tell me, how does a girl who does nothing, eventually get everything that she desires?
How can she look within for support when all she ever does is tear herself down?
And why the fuck does she stress about all of this, while she sits still, unwilling to make a change?
Where am I in my life right now? It's like my thoughts are tangled into one giant, grungy knot. The good is intertwined with the bad and I can't even extract one clear thought.
I make mistakes. I don't learn from them. I make them again, put it down to bad luck. Put it down to being me. But I still don't learn. I will never learn.
You can dismiss what I've said. You can tell me that I have all this anger, anger that comes from nowhere, bottled up inside me. And I'll agree with you. I will easily tell you that I love playing the victim. That it comes naturally to me, that I will do it because I was born to. I want to be a greater victim than I really am. Because I am attention-seeking. And selfish. And conceited. And foolish. And irresponsible. I will admit all this. Are you happy now? Because I think you should get fucked. I am not in self-denial any longer, but nor will I attempt to do anything about my problems. So get fucked.
Tell me it's just my hormones messing with me tonight.
I don't know why, but I stayed up till 4am last night reading revenge plots that people have exacted on their exes and other ppl. Read this:
Best revenger ever, aside from shooting the bastard.
Anyway, this is how it works.
4 Mates
Case of Beer
Thin cooking trays
A Cup
Coat hangers (3 or 4)
Screw driver
Consume beers with friends. When needing to go for a piss, pee in cup. Poor contents from cup into thin cooking tray. Place trays into freezer. Wait until contents are frozen! Take trays out from freezer. Gently remove frozen piss from tray. Now using a screw driver, and a stabbing motion, try and make a hole close to the edge of the frozen piss. You don't want it to be a big hole, just enough for coat hanger wire to go through. Quickly move to 'victims' house.
Now, grab the coat hangers and straighten them out. Join 3 or 4 coat hangers together using plyers. Be sure to put a hook on the last coat hanger so it can be hooked on the hole of the frozen ice piss sheet.
Gently feed the flat frozen ice piss under the 'victims' door (there should be a small gap between door and ground). Using the coat hangers push that sheet of ice piss to desired length. Wiggle and jiggle that coat hanger (like you've been snagged in fishing) so it unhooks from the frozen piss. Do this until all the ice sheets of piss you froze, are in the victims house.
Leave the premises.
If you do it right, this fucker will be cleaning the stenchy piss stains off his carpet, and not having any fuckn clue where it came from (unless a pet is present in the house).
Q1. I don't have a friends, or any other of the utensils?
A1. This task will be useless, grab a gun and shoot the fucker.
Q2. When i stab the frozen ice piss sheets, chunks just break off?
A2. You will have to use something smaller and sharper and 'chip' away at it.
Q3. My sheets of frozen ice piss unfroze before i got to victims house?
A3. You should do it at a 'friends' place next time who lives closer to victim.
Q4. My sheets of frozen ice piss won't fit under the door?
A4. You need to use thinner cooking trays. duh!
Q5. Have you tried this before and did it work?
A5. Sure did! the dick at the uni deserved it.
Enjoy! and good luck!
......Oh. My. Lord. When I read that I COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING. Sheets of ice piss? That's sooooo awesome! Some other revenge stories included:
1. Feeding the ex 'beef stew' made from dog food
2. Toothbrush dipped in toilet
3. Pouring water over their carpet, then scattering alfalfa sprout seeds everywhere
4. Prawn shells in the curtain rods
5. Keying their cars
6. Scooping out their margarine and taking a dump in the container, then putting it back in the fridge
7. Giving away all their clothes to charity
But the best one by far is frozen sheets of ice piss!! Hahahaha
I have no thoughts at all
1 comments Published Monday, October 27, 2008 by stina in......
This is what happens when I get forced to blog.....
I'm hungry. I want a quarter pounder. I'm thinking about a new song I wrote and how I can make it sound better. And I'm avoiding uniwork. That's literally ALL there is to me right now. I have NO OTHER THOUGHTS AT ALL. See Waz! Making entries when you feel uninspired is shit! BUT I wanted to write something so that you have something to read in the morning, no matter how stupid. Because I love you. If I had a quarter pounder, I would even share it with you. Hahahaha.
Ok so I will make two points:
1. I LOVE the quarter pounders with seasoned avocado (in case you haven't guessed). And I LOVE the radio ad about it! I can't find a picture of the burger with avocado, but look at this:Mmmm. Heaven.
And Point no. 2:
How ugly are these shoes?Crocs + Uggs!!
"It looks like dried vomit chunks on a log of pink diahorrea" hahahaha!
Ok I have one more thing. It's a joke!
After opening the first restaurant on the moon, Bob was disappointed to receive only 2 stars in the newspaper's restaurant review section.
"Great food, no atmosphere."
HAHAHAHAHA!OK that's my shit blog post for tonight!
Just read one of the most fascinating articles ever.
Hipster: The Dead End of Western Civilization
"We are a lost generation, desperately clinging to anything that feels real, but too afraid to become it ourselves. We are a defeated generation, resigned to the hypocrisy of those before us, who once sang songs of rebellion and now sell them back to us. We are the last generation, a culmination of all previous things, destroyed by the vapidity that surrounds us. The hipster represents the end of Western civilization – a culture so detached and disconnected that it has stopped giving birth to anything new."
For reasons unbeknownst to me I am fascinated by Hipsterdom. The trend itself seemed to suddenly emerge out of nowhere; adbusters describes it as 'the first “counterculture” to be born under the advertising industry’s microscope...less a subculture, the hipster is a consumer group – using their capital to purchase empty authenticity and rebellion.'
For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, refer to this diagram as a loose sketch of your average hipster:

Alternatively, you can try visiting clubs like Click Click....or Melbourne University. My uni is overflowing with these specimen; refer below to my loving, hand-drawn (on MS Paint) version of a Melb Uni hipster/scene kid:

Right now I want nothing more than a large sweet chilli and chicken pizza topped with melted mozzarella cheese, and an ice cold Stella.....
When this stupid bronchitis blows over, I am gonna be A NEW WOMAN. I will go to the beach and frolic in the icy waves and roll around the sand in a bikini and drink ALOT OF STELLA! and I will stuff my face with products containing chilli, cream and cheese, and eat super spicy hotpot all day and all night, and go to karaoke and sing my lungs out, and do lots of naughty things that my bronchitis wouldn't let me do before!! Having said all that I'll probably relapse :)
do u want to run away?
0 comments Published Tuesday, October 14, 2008 by stina inI think facebook is an addiction. It's a legitimate disease that you can suffer from. I think I have it. Which is the worst because nothing really even happens on my facebook.
So I sit and wait for something to happen...or I just lurk the facebooks of people I don't even like or (can't bring myself to look at). Either way, it feels soooooo good.
Hahaha so moving on, I had the best day......of being a BOGAN!!
Me and Alison sat in the library, did 10 mins of study, then moved to a cafe, did about 30 seconds of study, then went to Dan Murphy's, got knocked back because I'd left my ID at home, went to Coles, bought Pulse, went to the park behind her house, sunbaked for a long time but NOT LONG ENOUGH....I tutored, went to uni, got Simon then went to St Kilda beach, sat there with more Pulse.....admittedly, true bogans would have worn thongs (or no shoes at all), skipped uni and bought VB instead.....I am aware of this, and will probably do this next week....same day, same time!! Same haunts :)
I'm going to go shoeless, force myself to like VB and sit on the grass (or the bonnet of her car) eating a 4n20, or a poineapple donut, in trackies and a singlet!! I might even go to uni and do it there....to spite all the metro asians!! (no offence)
And ONE LAST THING.......the Aussie dollar grew STRONGER today!! And that means more spending money in CHINA!!! Thanks to our wonderful Government for reviving the Australian economy, I love you Government!
And one LAST LAST thing.....I love you Waz
the world is too complex
0 comments Published Saturday, October 11, 2008 by stina inFor me, trying to understand the economy is impossible. I hear something about it, it flies out of my brain. I read something about it, it flies out of my brain. I talk to someone about it, I go blank mid-sentence. Sometimes I think that I was actually born to just become a trophy housewife who doesn't really talk or think.
I wish I was smarter, I don't understand myself sometimes...
really weird mood
2 comments Published Friday, October 10, 2008 by stina inArrgh I have no idea what's happening tonight!! ARGHHHHHHH @ indecisiveness!!
I wish the night was endless so I didn't have to think about tommorow's consequences. But then again, I wish people didn't hype up Friday nights and make it out to be like the one time you can have fun in your otherwise boring existence. EVERYONES out tonight and I feel like I should join them all!! But at the same time, I can't be bothered racking up the effort to get ready.
On another note, I'm hating skinny girls!! You can eat entire loaves of garlic bread and family sized pizzas and the food just dissapears while its in your stomach!! Damn all of you and your skinny waists!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM FRUSTRATED!!!!!!
interesting passage
0 comments Published Wednesday, October 8, 2008 by stina inThe logic behind these Bible exerpts is so easy to see, but so hard to digest, and even harder to obey.
"I empathize with your strident sense of futility. Allow me to explain the true nature of the problem. If you don't have a relationship with your Creator, then life is "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless." [Ecclesiastes 1:2]
"I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, are chasing after the wind." [Ecclesiastes 1:14] Wisdom and folly are Meaningless. Pleasures Are Meaningless. Toil Is Meaningless. Advancement Is Meaningless. Riches Are Meaningless.
"How frail is humanity! How short is life, how full of trouble! We blossom like a flower and then wither. Like a passing shadow, we quickly disappear." [Job 14:1-2]
"I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him." [Ecclesiastes 3:14]
God is using your Emotional Distress to capture your Undivided Attention. If God is trying to communicate with you, then I would advise you to pay attention. LISTEN, LEARN, and OBEY."
late again
0 comments Published Sunday, October 5, 2008 by stina inStill feeling a touch crap today. Wish I could have slept in till about 3 or 4pm...!
I have a lot on my mind but maybe I'll write it all down on paper instead of posting here, it's all a bit nonsensical anyway. I have to be optimistic!!!!! The glass is HALF FULL! I am going to go to work at Sofias for the first time in 3 months and I will eat sweet chilli bread with cheese dipped in mushroom sauce and maybe some vegetarian risotto with chicken and I'll feel better. I wish everything was as simple as food! Food is so delicious, and is always there just waiting for you, and all you have to do is pick it up and take a bite. It never rejects you. It has no feelings, all it wants to do is get eaten. It's the best form of free therapy in the world.
And you stare at the emptiness around you
You wanna go to the city and the bright lights
And get away from the sinners that surround you...
Blank screen
Blank mind
I had a script all worked out.....but plans don't always follow through do they?
I need to sleep some of this insanity away.
My mouth is filled with sawdust and my head is filled with cotton
I'm an idiot and my life is a speck of sand
0 comments Published Wednesday, October 1, 2008 by stina inCan someone teach me about html? I can't code at all and trying to install a new template has just wasted 2 hours of my life because it looked so shocking that I had to go back to minima black. This has been a sad night.
Hey Waz...
My msn has broken down so I guess I'll have to write what I'm feeling here!
I'm gonna be honest. You're pretty much the first guy that I can REALLY see myself staying with. I don't know how this happened, but everytime I think about you and me I just know there's going to be such a great future between us. I hope you feel the same back. Even when I get pissed off at you, it wears off so quick because you're still an amazing guy. I mean it. And I love you! Love love love love love love love love love you THE MOST :)
the life and times of
0 comments Published Monday, September 22, 2008 by stina inI think that sometimes I get so caught up in blowing one issue out of proportion or focusing my entire blog on one particular thing that's been bugging me, that I forget to sort of document the other stuff (e.g. the fun stuff) in my life. Here are a few pictures that I really have been meaning to post for ages, and while these nights haven't always ended well, I think ultimately all that matters is that we looked like we were having fun in the photos.
So for once I am not going to subject any reader to one of my rants and instead I will show you what I have been up to during many a weekend.

There are heaps and heaps more, but I'll post them another day. Most of these were from birthdays and clubbing, but what I really need to do is buy a decent camera and take shots of the other random places that I go to. =)
The 'Nice Guy' Syndrome- what kind of woman wants a wimpy doormat?
Apparently the majority of us females are looking for a blend of cocky, rude and dominant qualities in their men. Though our behaviour suggests otherwise, subconsciously we don't want the man who can treat us best. We want the bad boy, whom we can turn good. This is something that I hear time and time again. It causes me to wonder, why the hell do women contradict themselves like that? Why do we voice our wants for a charming, romantic and sensitive man when inwardly we are probably desiring to be mistreated in some way shape or form? I really think that we are just addicted to things going wrong, to drama. To excitement.
"You're a nice guy, but....." Exactly. It's because you're too nice, and you won't stir something major up our lives. Can we ever rise above that?
The lymph node in my neck is swollen. I googled this and all my other symptoms and it is pointing towards lung cancer. Not that I'm trying to worry myself...but....yeah. Google probably isn't too trustworthy anyway.
On another note, I am actually taking a mild interest in American politics today. I love the way everything is sensationalised over there, from the 'lipstick on a pig' to the Palin family scandals. It is a complete hoot compared to Australian politics. I don't think anyone in their right mind should vote for McCain/Palin, not with Palin's anti-everything stance on life. Her church is promoting a conference which will convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer. Tell me she's joking. First of all, can you convert a heterosexual into a gay? Even through the power of prayer? What makes her think she can do the opposite?
Because unlike other behaviour patterns, humans don't always get any say on how their sexual orientation is programmed from birth. People who are gay...are simply gay, it is their right. It is their natural preference. And it is their lifestyle. So leave them alone. I know other people cling onto their traditionalist views, and they have a right to do so. Only they shouldn't try to enforce these views on everybody else. Treat others as you want to be treated. Not everyone opposes homosexuality, and they certainly shouldn't have to if they are non-Christian. You know what they should oppose instead? Shotgun-toting hags who run around killing for sport and selling pictures of their babies to tabloid magazines. I think she belongs on Jerry Springer.
0 comments Published Saturday, September 13, 2008 by stina inWords cannot describe how shitty I am right now. I. AM. VERY. SHITTY. I feel like going out and killing something for the sake of killing it. I want a machine gun. Or a rocket launcher. If I was someone out of Quake, I would ask for the Big Fucking Gun. I really can't stop thinking about weapons at the moment.
I'm about to go to Moe (aka Moccasins On Everyone says Waz) the land of paddocks and ute-steering, flannel-wearing, pub-going lumberjacks. For the weekend.
Wish me luck!
Love you Waz xoxox
my incredibly tb tribute to varsity fanclub
1 comments Published Thursday, September 11, 2008 by stina in
I can't deny it, Varsity Fanclub. I am passionately in love with their music. I've been listening to their stuff all day and it's just really doing it for me. I'm in such a good mood!! While I do think they all look abit like douchebags, and some of them are definetly making the gayface in pictures, I simply can't resist their exquisite vocal stylings and catchy tunes. Maybe it's the 13-year-old girl in me, but so far I can't even name a song of theirs that I dislike.
So, if you're reading this, add them to your playlist. You probably won't like them at first, but forget about the fact that they're all about 16 years old/look like they wear makeup. And they will begin to sound really good. Ryan Tedder wrote one of their best songs, Future Love, and he is a protege of Timbaland, and I can't say no to anything that is affiliated with Timbaland, because he wrote The Way I Are.

So my reccomendations for today are:
Varsity Fanclub- Future Love
Varsity Fanclub- Let Her Go (beatmix)
Varsity Fanclub- Zero
Varsity Fanclub- Why Not Me
Varsity Fanclub- Maybe This Is Love
Varsity Fanclub- Complicated Girl
Varsity Fanclub- Half of You
Also listen to Stephen Speaks- Just a Little Girl (if there's time.)
PS- Can anonymous people who comment on my blog tell me who they are? Because I'm really curious!!
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
Because I'd rather feel pain then nothing at all.
Why is it within human nature to want what we can't have? Why is it that we experience things we can't change, and change when we don't have to? What a complex and funny little world we have created for ourselves. Everybody is living under self-applied pressure, driven by their consummate desire to fit in and succeed. We all want to be extraordinary, and ironically we end up conforming to laws, social norms, what shops sell, what our friends think. But we're here to do so much more than just breed, which was our biological reason for existence. We will keep on doing more than we have to. We create hardships for one another. We laugh and cry. In the end, we do it to pass the time and keep ourselves within the realms of sanity.
another random thought
2 comments Published Monday, September 8, 2008 by stina inWhy do aussies grow fruit trees in their backyards, but never eat from them? And when other people try to take them, they will get all stingy and don't let them. Then birds just eat them. What causes this behaviour? Are there deep-rooted psychological problems within the Australian society? Godammit, eat the fruit that grows on your trees!
random thought of the day
0 comments Published Saturday, September 6, 2008 by stina inI'm going to get my mind out of the gutter. I want to learn and think about the country and world that I live in, instead of just taking everything for granted and being absorbed with nothing but my own life. It's not just something that I'm doing for the sake of turning into a smarter person, I am genuinely curious about everything outside of the bubble that is Melbourne. I want to learn about other countries but not by reading what some rich white journalist has written about them; I want to visit them and explore them for myself and completely step out of my comfort zone. It's about time I took some initiative and prepped my brain for life. Food for thought, but empty stomach. Haha. (I found out today that I have gone up a clothing size and it's killing me.)
I'm going to write a non-emo song
0 comments Published Tuesday, September 2, 2008 by stina inDon't worry if the sun don't shine, you've seen it before, you'll see it again.
the magical 'win at life' pill
0 comments Published Tuesday, August 26, 2008 by stina inCONGRATS TO PETER* FOR BEING AWESOME AT LIFE!!
OK I'll shut up now....hahaha. But seriously, wow, I'm SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU! DOUBLE DATE BOWLING TIME!!
I've added another 10-15 words onto my essay and know I'm just gonna keep procrastinating, so I'm going to bed. Goodnight everyone. And if you're Waz lurking my page, good morning sunshine! I miss you already. xoxoxo
*name is not Peter
At what point was the dumb high schooler supposed to morph into an educated and critically analytic young lady? I'm being confronted with the reality that, hey, everyone in commerce AND media is a genius and I'm the village idiot whose knowledge of media/anything to do with media/commerce/anything to do with commerce could probably fit through the head of a needle? Why did I ever think I was capable of doing this course? I can't even schedule my week without double booking, I can't even calculate how to split a bill at a resturant, I can't even cook without burning something, I can't even save a grand, I can't even drive properly, I can't even eat without spilling food onto my clothes, WHY DID I THINK I COULD DO THIS STUPID COURSE REQUIRING A 98.00 TER?!!? How did I even get into the damn course when where I truly belong is at the front of a bus where the 'special' people hang, with my backpack and kmart trousers, trying to work out where to get off so I can go back to the mental instution/special school that I escaped from?! I know all I ever do is complain but maybe if I was GOOD AT LIFE I WOULDN'T HAVE TO!!
I'm being swamped this week. Completely, utterly engulfed by committments. I've got a total of three jobs now, excluding the tutoring, and just thinking about how much I have to work this week makes my brain hurt. If I'm not at one job, I'm at the other, and the rest of my time off will be spent at uni and the gym. As much as I want to just lie around with Waz and sit in bed and watch Spongebob and melt into a happy sloth puddle, I have to make enough to get myself out of debt!! Independent woman!! Yeah! (Who am I kidding)
But the phone interviewing job was almost kinda tolerable. Well, it was actually alot better than I was expecting. One guy ran off during the break because he couldn't cop it, and that was before we'd ever started. He should've stayed though, it paid off in the end. There was no abuse over the phone. The hours are fine. The managers weren't tight or humorless or mean. The rate is SOOO GOOD. So I'll be staying for as long as they need me!
I don't know much
But I know I love you
And that may be all I need to know
Hey guess who just had the best night ever?
Thanks Warren. I can't believe I was lucky enough to have met you.
If I could find the words I would, but I'm speechless remember? Besides, I don't really need words. I don't need to show you how I feel through a blog. I can make you happy in other ways.
So when is Sky High Pt. II?
in a library with a lollipop in my mouth
0 comments Published Wednesday, August 13, 2008 by stina inAudio lectures are sooooooooooooooooooooo boring x 100000000000 and they're pretty nonsensical too. The lecturer is trying really hard, I can tell, but my god he is so boring. Normally if I was sitting in the lecture I'd be looking out for hot guys or something, making lectures infinitely more interesting. I should really go to class more!
And my body is still sore from gym. Two days ago.
I've been coughing my lungs out for about 2 weeks now, and I've almost finished the amoxycillin. But still not feeling much better. This is quite bad but has also obviously been my own fault. I started off taking them at regular times (e.g. 10am, 2pm, 8pm) and today its been 3pm, 9pm and 3am. Last night I seriously sunk into a black hole, I was that asleep, and didn't manage to wake up till 2 today. And so, the repercussions of drinking : the next day, there is a chance you will be forced to wake up early, if not for a function then at least to convince your family nothing is wrong, and you will feel like complete and utter shit and sit there all day being a vegetable and all your 'moving' will only consist of blinking and breathing because that's all autonomous. Then, at night, you will pass out and by the time you wake up everything you were supposed to have shown up for the next day is missed.
I HAVE to get well for Torquay! Otherwise I'm going to try an alternative way of becoming healthy again: sitting in a spa all weekend and boiling my sickness away! And for some strange reason I'm also trying to convince myself that I can get a tan there; that's right, when its wintertime and Melbournians are all FREEZING OVER and the sun comes out for approx. an hour a day, with patches of rain in between. Good to see my sense of logic is working.
Okay, time to get off the net and sleep my cold away. Tommorow I'm going to the gym for the first time.....EVER! My body is completely foreign to gym equipment (and most forms of exercise) so I'm sure I'll handle it really, really well. Just in case I don't, I'm going to get alot of Maccas straight after.
i'm such a loser
0 comments Published Saturday, August 9, 2008 by stina inI had an incredibly vivid dream about you this morning. To the point where I actually thought it happened. And yeah, I wish it did. The way you were, the way you looked at me, the way you talked, the way your voice sounded, everything that happened, it was so lifelike...
I miss you already!! What's wrong with me!
I like Emerson. He was an American essayist, philosopher, poet, and leader of the Transcendentalist movement in the early 19th century. Wikipedia told me so.
From "Give All to Love"
Though thou loved her as thyself,
As a self of purer clay,
Tho' her parting dims the day,
Stealing grace from all alive,
Heartily know,
When half-gods go,
The gods arrive.
....is there anything I manage NOT TO LOSE!?
I've come to this
0 comments Published Friday, August 1, 2008 by stina inThanks to you, and you, and you. I thought you'd changed my life at one point, and you have. But I don't care about that anymore. It's liberating to me. This new found sense of apathy. Life is good, you are not. Things can still be vibrant and funny and colorful without you in the picture. So thanks but no thanks, kid. I'm happy.
I google pictures of food instead of eating
0 comments Published Wednesday, July 30, 2008 by stina inyou're a right proper ****
0 comments Published Monday, July 28, 2008 by stina inI have to wake up and stop being a baby. I have to realise that what I'm doing right now isn't good for me. Get smart and get on top of things. I don't even know what the hell I can call the past 2 months of my life. It was a chapter in which I acted like a complete moron, and the regret is only just beggining to sink in. And not only regret; but also anger, and loathing, and sadness. I was fine with it all until tonight, before I had the opportunity to 'visualise' things. Lucky me. But next time I'll be smart, and composed, and think before I act, and learn to be the shrewdest girl you'd ever met. Hey, it's already happening with the alcohol. (Sort of). So thanks for trying to contact me. That was sarcastic by the way! You're just another person to do my head in this year. But no, it's probably not the person you'd think it was.
indescribable pain
0 comments Published Saturday, July 26, 2008 by stina inSo why do I bother when I KNOW this is how I'm going to end up feeling. Why do I still go through with it....? It's not worth it in the end, I knew it never was. It's nothing, but thats only how you see it. I have to find a way out of this cycle.
0 comments Published Sunday, July 20, 2008 by stina inI'm such a pushover.
"christina get in the car"
"christina get stir fry instead"
"kiss me"
When will I learn to SAY NO!
Also it could just be me, the only person in the whole world who thinks this way, but Dark Knight wasn't THAT good. *SPOILERS MIGHT FOLLOW* I know the movie set box office records, but in some ways I think Ledger's death played a huge factor for the success of an otherwise only half-decent movie. Am I being too fussy here? The dialogue was fairly boring and cliched (except for the few wise cracks Alfred made), I thought Maggie Gyllenhaal was all wrong for the part, she had no chemistry with Aaron Eckhart, whose transformation into Harvey Two-Face I did not believe for one second...come on, the Joker goes and visits him and says a couple of lines and suddenly Two-Face has no will for vengeance against him, but is bent on destroying the innocents of Gotham?? Christian Bale was incredibly hot, and suited the role, but then again that man doesn't ever make mistakes with movie choices! And he did have more chemistry with Maggie, it was nowhere near as awkward/mismatched as her and Eckhart seemed.
And the JOKER...
Well, he was good. Great, even. Oscar quality. Always one step ahead of Gotham, what a genius. Outsmarted Batman quite often too. In fact Batman became much more of a dumbass in this movie. But look at THIS JOKER:
Sexy, no? Probably not as kid-friendly, but sooooo much cooler looking....I think beneath Heath's makeup you could actually sort of tell that he was an attractive guy, and he had really decent guns in the movie too, which were also tanned, and all in all he was maybe a tad too hot for the role. But THIS JOKER....pure evil. No mistaking what he is. Anyway I'm gonna shut up now.
typical saturday morning mood
0 comments Published Friday, July 18, 2008 by stina inYou wake up to a gorgeous day, the type that you've been waiting for all winter, and you're too hungover to do anything other then sit in front of a computer screen for hours on end. You took another puff or two last night and today your singing voice is better than ever. You drank way more than usual, but ended up semi-sober. Right now your makeup is smudged everywhere, Heath Ledger style. You want noodle soup but the fridge is as empty as your stomach. You hooked up with a guy whom you might consider cute, but hes already seeing someone. Makin wrong decisions is a talent. Bad luck little girl.
I'm not a bitch, the worlds just stupid
0 comments Published Wednesday, July 16, 2008 by stina inI love the fact that I can watch youtube at work. I know, how sad is that? At home, youtube is a thing of the past (with me being like permanently capped and also having no sound). So today I was just searching for anything that came to mind, which for me tends to be people sitting on their beds playing their guitars and singing. I love that sort of stuff. And the best one I could find was this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNK2L8-V5dQ (I dunno if I can put the video directly up, I sort of don't think my computer can handle it) So I've been on the site all day looking at endless displays of talent and the best clip turned out to be a fobby dude covering Soulja Boy acoustic style. Made me wet my pants from laughter.
Another thing that's been wearing me down all week (are you reading Tait?) is my mum. AGAIN. She's been bagging me nonstop for no apparent reason! In the past three days shes made comments about my hair, eyes, complexion, breath (ew i know), boobs (she called them SAGGY, the 50 year old calling MINE saggy), and weight.
Anyway I just lost the motivation to blog halfway through this. I'll update later!
Theres so much that I want to write about, but I don't know how to express it all. You know when you have all these thoughts inside your head and you can't get them out? Because you're afraid that the way you write them down is not gonna do what you're really thinking any justice. So I'm going to leave it. For now. Give it time and I'll know what to say. Or maybe when enough time has passed I won't even want to write about it anymore. Who knows, I'm always second guessing myself anyway.
day 2 of office
0 comments Published Monday, July 14, 2008 by stina inI am surrounded by so much paper its not funny. I seriously think i have like 10,000 peices of paper around me. I'm going to dream about paper tonight. I hate paper.
Last night I slept about 4 hours, then this morning woke up at 7 30. My skin is greyish and my eyes bags are hanging halfway down my face. Where is lunch!? I can smell everyone elses lunch. I want a McAsia baaaadd!
I 've been listening to new old music (new to me but actually pretty old) to expand my comparatively tiny playlist and I can't tell if it's actually good or not. I got some Mos Def, Handsome Boy Modelling School, Johnny Cash, Portishead, No Doubt, The Script, Imogen Heap and Carrie Underwood. I even downloaded a song by Tila Tequila....omg! What's happening to me?? I guess I just wanted to hear what her sucky music sounded like. Lol. If anyone reads this, you hav to listen to Andy Warhol by Little Birdy, Ex-Girlfriend by No Doubt and Hurt by Johnny Cash. Those songs are describing my mood down to a teeeee. Little Birdy are amazing, I have to go to one of their gigs in the near future. My fingers are itching for some guitar strings to pluck, I wanna learn these songs as soon as I can!
So anyway, being the emo person that I am, with emo being my default mood right now, I can never run out of things to complain about: e.g, I hate this weather so much. Winter is NO. Everyone is freezing. Oh hang on, maybe some people are warm- my friend once said to me, that in winter you're supposed to settle down with someone so that you can cuddle them and keep warm through the freezing nights. Isn't that sooo romantic? IF YOU ACTUALLY HAVE SOMEONE, that is. I want summer to come back. Now. Because I want to eat watermelon and not wear shoes and tan my shoulders, and also because I don't want to think about my friends theory.
Anyway, I'm sort of trying to ramble because I really really need a break from printing and filing tax invoices and credit adjustment notes and placement orders and whatever else they decide to give me. God there is so much paper on my desk. The stacks are so big. I hate paper so much.