stina gets soppy

It occured to me not long ago, that there are such simple pleasures to be derived from love. Love does not always have to play out the way it would in a movie. It needs no hero or heroine. It is not some overblown drama. It needs no complexity. Nor does it need any of the excess bullshit that we find ourselves swimming in for the sake of love. It does not have to screw with your head or tear you up inside.

You can fight with the person you love, cry over them, lose control and rage at them....but you can't forget them, and maybe all that bullshit will obstruct you from love, but you know that deep down it does not reflect the concept of love and what it means. When you are mesmerised by the color of someones eyes, when you feel a dull ache in your heart for no apparent reason...when you sit next to them and experience a cocktail of emotions...bliss, and fear, and hope, and a little voice reminding you that it's almost too good to be true....these are moments gratifying enough for me to be able to call love.

When you think about that person and suddenly there is a feeling there, so profound and so ingrained within yourself that you honestly believe you'll never be able to eradicate it....that is what I call love. It's something that confuses you, and you can't even describe how much they mean to you- because what they represent is immeasurable, it takes all the words out of your mouth, it frees you of all logic and reason, replacing them with the sudden awareness that you are alive, and living with a purpose...and that purpose is to love them as much as they love you.

So next time, go back to the lowest common denominator. Think about the way they talk, and smile and laugh- the way they look at you, the feel of their hands on your skin, how they say "I love you", that simple statement which makes you feel anything but...and cast aside the rest, because you need to savor what is created during these moments... because honestly, nothing else matters.


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