The lymph node in my neck is swollen. I googled this and all my other symptoms and it is pointing towards lung cancer. Not that I'm trying to worry myself...but....yeah. Google probably isn't too trustworthy anyway.

On another note, I am actually taking a mild interest in American politics today. I love the way everything is sensationalised over there, from the 'lipstick on a pig' to the Palin family scandals. It is a complete hoot compared to Australian politics. I don't think anyone in their right mind should vote for McCain/Palin, not with Palin's anti-everything stance on life. Her church is promoting a conference which will convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer. Tell me she's joking. First of all, can you convert a heterosexual into a gay? Even through the power of prayer? What makes her think she can do the opposite?

Because unlike other behaviour patterns, humans don't always get any say on how their sexual orientation is programmed from birth. People who are gay...are simply gay, it is their right. It is their natural preference. And it is their lifestyle. So leave them alone. I know other people cling onto their traditionalist views, and they have a right to do so. Only they shouldn't try to enforce these views on everybody else. Treat others as you want to be treated. Not everyone opposes homosexuality, and they certainly shouldn't have to if they are non-Christian. You know what they should oppose instead? Shotgun-toting hags who run around killing for sport and selling pictures of their babies to tabloid magazines. I think she belongs on Jerry Springer.


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