what is 2009?

I tend to be a bit behind everyone else when it comes to technology. Like my computer is the size of a brick shithouse and I think I have Windows ME (aka Mistake Edition). I have like....32GB RAM and my floppy drives broken, and I have like 10000000000 viruses that I don't even know where they came from, and have had NO SOUND for about 2 years now.....I don't think I could be any more worse off when it comes to my computer. And I have an ipod but my computer system is so old it is not compatible with iTunes, and I lost my iPod headphones so I can't listen to my old mp3 player either....plus, my mobile phone is an old nokia that shuts off and restarts every 10 minutes (this I don't mind so much because I always lose my phones anyway).

So this year all (well, almost all) I want is a laptop. And I want to be able to record some of my songs on it. And while I'm at it, I want a new guitar. That'll make me really, really happy. Watch out for me on Youtube (as soon as I save enough to be able to buy a lappy, which might be awhile....but it will happen). I wouldn't mind busking either, but I would so much rather do it with a friend. If just one of these goals come true, I'm gonna be pretty effing over the moon...but first thing I'd do, is make Waz a cd.. =]


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