Hey Waz...
My msn has broken down so I guess I'll have to write what I'm feeling here!
I'm gonna be honest. You're pretty much the first guy that I can REALLY see myself staying with. I don't know how this happened, but everytime I think about you and me I just know there's going to be such a great future between us. I hope you feel the same back. Even when I get pissed off at you, it wears off so quick because you're still an amazing guy. I mean it. And I love you! Love love love love love love love love love you THE MOST :)
the life and times of
0 comments Published Monday, September 22, 2008 by stina inI think that sometimes I get so caught up in blowing one issue out of proportion or focusing my entire blog on one particular thing that's been bugging me, that I forget to sort of document the other stuff (e.g. the fun stuff) in my life. Here are a few pictures that I really have been meaning to post for ages, and while these nights haven't always ended well, I think ultimately all that matters is that we looked like we were having fun in the photos.
So for once I am not going to subject any reader to one of my rants and instead I will show you what I have been up to during many a weekend.

There are heaps and heaps more, but I'll post them another day. Most of these were from birthdays and clubbing, but what I really need to do is buy a decent camera and take shots of the other random places that I go to. =)
The 'Nice Guy' Syndrome- what kind of woman wants a wimpy doormat?
Apparently the majority of us females are looking for a blend of cocky, rude and dominant qualities in their men. Though our behaviour suggests otherwise, subconsciously we don't want the man who can treat us best. We want the bad boy, whom we can turn good. This is something that I hear time and time again. It causes me to wonder, why the hell do women contradict themselves like that? Why do we voice our wants for a charming, romantic and sensitive man when inwardly we are probably desiring to be mistreated in some way shape or form? I really think that we are just addicted to things going wrong, to drama. To excitement.
"You're a nice guy, but....." Exactly. It's because you're too nice, and you won't stir something major up our lives. Can we ever rise above that?
The lymph node in my neck is swollen. I googled this and all my other symptoms and it is pointing towards lung cancer. Not that I'm trying to worry myself...but....yeah. Google probably isn't too trustworthy anyway.
On another note, I am actually taking a mild interest in American politics today. I love the way everything is sensationalised over there, from the 'lipstick on a pig' to the Palin family scandals. It is a complete hoot compared to Australian politics. I don't think anyone in their right mind should vote for McCain/Palin, not with Palin's anti-everything stance on life. Her church is promoting a conference which will convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer. Tell me she's joking. First of all, can you convert a heterosexual into a gay? Even through the power of prayer? What makes her think she can do the opposite?
Because unlike other behaviour patterns, humans don't always get any say on how their sexual orientation is programmed from birth. People who are gay...are simply gay, it is their right. It is their natural preference. And it is their lifestyle. So leave them alone. I know other people cling onto their traditionalist views, and they have a right to do so. Only they shouldn't try to enforce these views on everybody else. Treat others as you want to be treated. Not everyone opposes homosexuality, and they certainly shouldn't have to if they are non-Christian. You know what they should oppose instead? Shotgun-toting hags who run around killing for sport and selling pictures of their babies to tabloid magazines. I think she belongs on Jerry Springer.
0 comments Published Saturday, September 13, 2008 by stina inWords cannot describe how shitty I am right now. I. AM. VERY. SHITTY. I feel like going out and killing something for the sake of killing it. I want a machine gun. Or a rocket launcher. If I was someone out of Quake, I would ask for the Big Fucking Gun. I really can't stop thinking about weapons at the moment.
I'm about to go to Moe (aka Moccasins On Everyone says Waz) the land of paddocks and ute-steering, flannel-wearing, pub-going lumberjacks. For the weekend.
Wish me luck!
Love you Waz xoxox
my incredibly tb tribute to varsity fanclub
1 comments Published Thursday, September 11, 2008 by stina in
I can't deny it, Varsity Fanclub. I am passionately in love with their music. I've been listening to their stuff all day and it's just really doing it for me. I'm in such a good mood!! While I do think they all look abit like douchebags, and some of them are definetly making the gayface in pictures, I simply can't resist their exquisite vocal stylings and catchy tunes. Maybe it's the 13-year-old girl in me, but so far I can't even name a song of theirs that I dislike.
So, if you're reading this, add them to your playlist. You probably won't like them at first, but forget about the fact that they're all about 16 years old/look like they wear makeup. And they will begin to sound really good. Ryan Tedder wrote one of their best songs, Future Love, and he is a protege of Timbaland, and I can't say no to anything that is affiliated with Timbaland, because he wrote The Way I Are.

So my reccomendations for today are:
Varsity Fanclub- Future Love
Varsity Fanclub- Let Her Go (beatmix)
Varsity Fanclub- Zero
Varsity Fanclub- Why Not Me
Varsity Fanclub- Maybe This Is Love
Varsity Fanclub- Complicated Girl
Varsity Fanclub- Half of You
Also listen to Stephen Speaks- Just a Little Girl (if there's time.)
PS- Can anonymous people who comment on my blog tell me who they are? Because I'm really curious!!
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
Because I'd rather feel pain then nothing at all.
Why is it within human nature to want what we can't have? Why is it that we experience things we can't change, and change when we don't have to? What a complex and funny little world we have created for ourselves. Everybody is living under self-applied pressure, driven by their consummate desire to fit in and succeed. We all want to be extraordinary, and ironically we end up conforming to laws, social norms, what shops sell, what our friends think. But we're here to do so much more than just breed, which was our biological reason for existence. We will keep on doing more than we have to. We create hardships for one another. We laugh and cry. In the end, we do it to pass the time and keep ourselves within the realms of sanity.
another random thought
2 comments Published Monday, September 8, 2008 by stina inWhy do aussies grow fruit trees in their backyards, but never eat from them? And when other people try to take them, they will get all stingy and don't let them. Then birds just eat them. What causes this behaviour? Are there deep-rooted psychological problems within the Australian society? Godammit, eat the fruit that grows on your trees!
random thought of the day
0 comments Published Saturday, September 6, 2008 by stina inI'm going to get my mind out of the gutter. I want to learn and think about the country and world that I live in, instead of just taking everything for granted and being absorbed with nothing but my own life. It's not just something that I'm doing for the sake of turning into a smarter person, I am genuinely curious about everything outside of the bubble that is Melbourne. I want to learn about other countries but not by reading what some rich white journalist has written about them; I want to visit them and explore them for myself and completely step out of my comfort zone. It's about time I took some initiative and prepped my brain for life. Food for thought, but empty stomach. Haha. (I found out today that I have gone up a clothing size and it's killing me.)
I'm going to write a non-emo song
0 comments Published Tuesday, September 2, 2008 by stina inDon't worry if the sun don't shine, you've seen it before, you'll see it again.