
I entered the Miss Melbourne Chinese pageant last week and placed in the top 12, which was great news! (And can I just quickly add, my horoscope in some magazine I read in the salon was unbelievably spot on: it said that I would embark on something on the 24th, and this would lead onto a 4-6 week long committment in my life. The 24th was my first interview day, and the pageant finale is in less than 2 months! Scarily accurate, I'm full creeped out!) But the first requirement was to make a hair appointment with the salon sponsoring the event, Sense Hair. So today I had a haircut. And I must say (as I've been telling everyone since this afternoon) that I REALLY MISS MY HAIR! =[

Here is a better idea of how my hair looked BEFORE this fateful day:

SIGH. Look at the length! True, it was mostly split ends at the bottom by the time it had grown to this length, but at least it was long...

So I went into Sense today and the hairdresser assured me that he was only going to trim it. And trim it he did indeed, trim trim trim TRIM x 1000 until I was ALMOST COMPLETELY BALD. Well not really:

Short hey? Haha, I'm being a drama queen. It isn't actually that short, because it only looks like that from the front. Including the back part, it looks like this.

I don't really know what to think of it, because most of the other girls in the pageant seem to have hair grown down to their asses, and it's very well known that in Chinese culture long hair is a symbol of beauty. So my short(ish) looking hair is kind of out of place atm. But anyway enough with the complaining already. On a completely unrelated topic, these are lovely:

From Waz, for our 9 month. They are quite amazing because they're hardly showing any sign of wilting, and they've been sitting in my ill-air conditioned room basking in the glow of my computer monitor for like 5 days already. Love you Waz :)

One last thing, since this has become such a pictureful blog, I really must say that I've had the worst late-night food cravings EVER in the past few days, and the only 3 places open past midnight are Kebabs, China Bar and good old Maccas. Kebabs I love, but always make the BIGGEST mess eating them, and I don't trust the rats that hang around the Kebab joint since they are the size of small dogs. And maccas...well there is such thing as too much of a good thing!So last night Alison and I went to China Bar and I ordered the Nasi Lemak, which was sooo yummy! And now I've got a huge craving for it again, but since I have no one to go with tonight I have to settle for looking at pictures of it :( Sad I know but I love my food and I'm also quite bored.

Rice cooked in coconut milk with curry chicken, preserved vegetables, anchovies and peanuts on the side. MMmm. Food porn.


  1. Si Pekik A.K.A Si Pekak

    Nasu lemak? Malaysia cumin'?

  2. Alex Xu
    This comment has been removed by the author.  
  3. Alex Xu

    Just a small question - How do you apply to be a contestant in the pageant?


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