this is what i know

This is basically what I know about relationships:

1. They always fuck up.
2. Girls love attention.
3. If a girl is pursued by a guy that she is not interested in, she will pretend not to care but secretly love the attention anyway.
4. If the guy loses interest in the girl, the girl will start to think she misses him when in truth she only misses the attention.
5. If a guy shows a girl TOO much attention, the girl will be turned off. Too much attention = stalking, desperation
6. Girls never willingly show guys attention, unless they believe the guy has earned it.
7. So basically, the guy has to do something first to attract the girl to give him attention.
8. Girls are the biggest attention-whores in the world.
9. If you do not give a shit about a certain girl, she will love you.
10. Girls and guys play way too many games with each other.
11. If a girl wants to break up with a guy, she will act like a bitch until the GUY is forced to break things off.
12. The girl will probably act like a bitch anyway.
13. If a guy wants to break up with a girl, he will act like a dickhead until the GIRL is forced to break things off (while crying.)
14. When two people manage to be completely straightforward with each other, and have no fights, and have this ultimate pure love and respect for each other, the rest of the world will hate them.
15. If such relationships exist, they will fuck up.


  1. Anonymous

    here's what i know about girls:

    1. they are jerks

    that is all.


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