This is terrible
I'm trying my best to study
But my mind keeps switching back to 'friday night' mode
And all I want to do is get out of this stuffy room
And stop thinking about all the shit I have to do
Throw my books out the window
And party
And go nuts
from good morning revival
0 comments Published Wednesday, May 28, 2008 by stina inThe only way a woman's gonna want a man
The only way you'll ever keep her in your hands
Is breaking apart her heart
Don't tell her she's the reason that you live
Don't give her everything that you've got to give
If you want to keep a girl for as long as you live
Just break apart her heart
I ain't got no money
0 comments Published Tuesday, May 27, 2008 by stina inI have this unhealthy obsession with The Way I Are. (Best song ever).
I have the:
1. Original version (timbaland ft. keri hilson & DOE)
2. Radio edit
4. Francisco remix
3. DJ SENOL remix ft. Fatman Scoop
4. One Republic remix
5. Tony Arzadon remix
6. Mads Ramp vs. Sten F Remix
7. DF Flex Remix ft. Nephew
How long do you think it'll take me to get just a little sick of what I'm hearing? haha
If anyone reads this, don't download ANY of the remixes. Apart from the Francisco and One Republic ones. The One Republic remix is pureeeee sex.
if you can't conceive it's nothing
0 comments Published Monday, May 26, 2008 by stina inyou can experience so much in life but you can always tell what hits you the hardest. if someone brings up something from the past and you get depressed. if you talk about something from the past and you start crying after a while. if you think of something someone did to you and suddenly theres all this anger. if you think of something you did and it makes you shameful.
its not how i want to remember things. but we have little control over how we feel.
karaoke at partyworld
0 comments Published Saturday, May 24, 2008 by stina inHOORAY FOR PARTYWORLD
It's late and I'm bored and I put words into urbandictionary because someone posted a myspace bulletin like that.
So according to urban dictionary,
1. Christina
Greek/ Latin in Origin. This name means "annoited christian". It's pronounced (kris-TEEN-ah). It is the most beautiful name to a girl.
When Christina was listening to music in the empty seat, I nervously sat next to her.
Christina's smile was as bright as the sun shining above me.
2. Christina
A smart girl with no common sense but is smart and funny and has great "what in the world?" momments. She can't make good hot chocolate. SHE IS THE CRAZIEST THING ALIVE!
Wow she christina is retarted.
3. Christina
she is a hot sexy beast she is very southern and ain't afraid to admit it
Then christina walked in looking hot as usual
Another slang name for crystal meth
Been up all night? I guess you and Christina had an incredible night together!
They just get more wtf haha. But I sound like no. 2.
And PENG omg!! (thats my surname) I had no idea it could mean this:
1. peng
Sexy girl. Adjective
'There's some PENG over there' 'Shes proper Peng!'
2. peng
this means fit nice .. nice body everything dat bare peeps r luking for !
yoo dat lad iz peng !!!!!! or dat gyal iz peng !!!!!!
3. peng
The over-exaggerated description of a person with good looks or a nice body or both.
Look at her, she is fucking peng!!
Theres even one for pengalengadingdong!
1. peng-a-leng-a-ding-dong
an over exaggerated word for peng meaning mighty fine!
pervy boy 1:wow lokk at that girl.
pervy boy 2 : yh shes peng-a-leng-a-ding-dong.
pervy boy 1: word
Theres also a definition under PENGINA but its dirty. HAHAHA and Pengu:
1. Pengu
A kids show about a penguin made of clay, who gets smacked around by his parents and beats the shit outa his friends by chucking showballs at their clay faces. He commonly uses the phrase "Meep, meep"
"Pengu got into a snowball fight with the neighbourhood seals and he whooped their asses."
make it better
0 comments Published Tuesday, May 20, 2008 by stina instop being a drama queen
ur life is not a soap opera
im not marissa and ur not ryan
the OC got cancelled for a reason
coz it was CRAP and so is ur outlook.. on everything
sorry to be honest but
soap operas are delusional and so are u
and im not
go sit back
and have a carlton draught
and watch the evening news or big brother
and rethink your life
and get some sense of reality
P is for POO
0 comments Published Monday, May 19, 2008 by stina inI got my net comm essay back. Another P. Wow...who would have thought!? Well Ps get degrees!
Comments from my tutor Michael. As is the usual case for Net Comm, I don't completely understand what hes saying, (somewhere around the end of the first paragraph).
This was a satisfactory response to the assessment task. I felt, however,
that the case study of lacked sufficient dynamism in relation
to the specific sites of tension described by Jenkins, resulting in an
overly descriptive (rather than analytical) approach to the assessment.
This led, for instance, to claims around the mediocrity of this cultural
shift in media consumption, a position that really needed to be explored
in terms of its political ramifications. The gesture to collective
intelligence, a passing acknowledgement of these other fields of inquiry,
was also unclear – this needed to be either linked back to the case study
or an general argument.
While presentation was adequate, but frequent problems with both structure
had the unfortunate effect of detracting from the argument being
presented. Referencing is also a major concern – the absence of citations
for secondary material runs a risk of plagiarism, always provide
sufficient documentation!
1 comments Published by stina inWhy do the readings for net comm have to be so difficult? Man I'd hate to be a scholar. This is an excerpt of what I am attempting to read:
'Nomadic Power and Cultural Resistance
The term that best describes the present social condition is liquescence. The once unquestioned markers of stability, such as God or Nature, have dropped into the black hole of sceptism, dissolving positioned identification of subject or object. Meaning simultaneously flows through a process of proliferation and condensation, at once drifting, slipping, speeding into the antinomies of apocalypse and utopia.'
It's like, I understand it (if i read it about 5 times), and it's actually interesting once I understand it, and it's nice to know that you have good english, but do you HAVE to write like that?? Wouldn't it just be better (and less douche-bag like) if you wrote:
'Everything is changing. Nothing is stable. Everyone's a skeptic. Our world, meaning and information is topsy turvy. This can be good or bad.'
Don't you want to make my life easier, author of this ridiculous article? And I don't want your metaphors about 'drowning in the pool of liquid power' or 'rolling the dice of postmodernism.' Go away. It's no wonder I hate uni.
yep here it is
0 comments Published Friday, May 16, 2008 by stina inand nowwwwwwww.......
this post is just lots of complaining
0 comments Published by stina ini cant remember the last time i felt so horribly PMS-y. I'm mad at everything right now. ESPECIALLY my mum. She and I have never gotten along, but tonight I actually wish that she didn't exist. I mean I wish that my mother could be replaced by a normal, sane and generally nice woman who didnt feel the compelling urge to rip my self esteem into shreds at any given opportunity, or give me the longest most painfully boring lectures about germs and catching cold and the opposite sex and various types of cancer-inducing food that I'm not allowed to eat and how badly I need to clean my room and how much homework I have to do every night. I was so pissed off coming home before midnight tonight, she started interrogating me the second I walked through the door and the more I clammed up the harder she pressed. She never knows when to give me space, or privacy for that matter (shes still checking my diary even though I stopped writing in it) I'm so glad shes leaving tommorow morning. I have so much crap on during the weekend, I need to do my writing journalism interview tomorrow in the city (though I think I'll end up fabricating most of the peice anyway), I have work at night and I'm completely confused about whats happening afterwards.
I'm also starting to HATE going into the city because its a 15 min walk to the station, then another hour on the train, and the same thing coming back home, which is the biggest waste of time and life ever! I HATE THE CITY. and I hate Mitcham too, it's the biggest hole ever. I hate the fact that my train stops at 17 stations including completely obscure ones such as chatham, where basically one guy gets on and in doing so wastes 5 minutes of my life. Fuck I hate EVERYTHING tonight! I can't stop whinging all this stuffs just coming up like word vomit! I HATE uni, for ONCE i'd like to get something higher then a P! I'm breaking out from stress and ever since the OB group assignment I've been on this giant downward spiral where fobs are ruining my life and so is my mum and uni and stupid sofias and my strange unwillingness to find a new job and me failing to get my Ps even though I CLEARLY NEED TO DRIVE EVERYWHERE because I can NO LONGER STAND THE FUCKING TRAIN AND FUCKING PUBLIC TRANSPORT
AND OH YEAH, my mum bought this heinous portable mini vaccuum cleaner about 3-4 months ago, its handheld and you can take it anywhere around the house, and 2 seconds after she gets home each night she USES THE FUCKING VACUUM TO SUCK UP NON-EXISTANT MICROSCOPIC PEICES OF DUST AND THE THING MAKES A NOISE SO DISGUSTINGLY DISGUSTING IT WILL MAKE YOUR EARS BLEED, it sounds like a high pitched lawn mower x 100000000, and she turns it on EVERY FUCKING NIGHT for like an HOUR just sucking up things that the naked eye can't see, and she takes some kind of perverse pleasure in doing this because it obviously shits me up the wall and makes me want to cut my ears off, and IMMEDIATELY after turning off the vacuum cleaner she turns on her EVIL portable radio and listens to the chinese radio station all night long, and it just so happens to be the station with the WORST RECEPTION IN AUSTRALIA, and so I have to put up with staticky cackling chinese voices all night as well, and if during dinner I should be so inconsiderate as to talk to her she will put a finger to her lips and go SHHH I'M LISTENING TO THE RADIO and all it ever talks about is how to make money and how to become the meanest asian parents ever and hit your children with feather dusters and make sure they get into private schools even if they are like 3 years old and still wetting the bed, FUCK.
Yeah I think I'm done but there could be more coming...
AA Fashion Show
0 comments Published Thursday, May 1, 2008 by stina inwas SO GOOD! The best fun ever. All the girls had crazy hair but they looked gorgeous! In the morning Seri salon curled my hair and pinned it up, along with this fake bun thing, and I was happy with that until they started weaving in white extensions....then I got abit downies and Colin went to get food during the afternoon and people just stared. First time I felt like a freak in public (apart from that time I had to carry around that giant pig someone gave me lol) and 5 mins before the show they messed up the white extensions so that it looked like my hair was full of cobwebs! Attractive look yeh? So basically I looked like this: