I like Christmas, but it's only fun when you have others to spend it with. Otherwise your screwed. If the bright lights and decorations and cheesy Christmas movies don't do your head in first, then the advertising surely will. Get them what they really want this Christmas- a gift voucher! Keep her happy this Christmas with Bevilles jewellry! Let the wife and kids have a stress-free Christmas, get Criso hampers!

Businesses capitalise on Christmas and that's all there is in terms of the holiday's surface value. The only way to really spend Christmas is to eat with your family. (And by eat, I mean ravage. Like Waz said, kidnap some farmyard animals and shove prods up their bums, and grill them till their unrecognisable hunks of brown.) It's actually even better to have a boyfriend around Christmas, because you get to eat his family's food as well as yours, during the day at least. And then you come home before dinner and there's nothing in the fridge, and your mum is at your grandparents house so you decide to skip dinner because it means you won't wake up with such a fat stomach tommorow, but then at the last minute you crack and at midnight you raid your fridge and make some wonky sushi with the leftover salmon and rice and stuff it all into your mouth at whilst crying tears of guilt at the same time. Haha.

But no really, Christmas was good today. I loved all of my presents, and can't wait to consume the Yellow :) Prehaps for New Years? This year, Christmas was definetly in my good books.

Things that are most certainly NOT in my good books (I'll keep this quick):
- FUCKING EDWARD CULLEN. He is NOTHING BUT A FIGMENT OF SOME OLD WOMAN'S IMAGINATION. MY GOD. The bandwagon of Edward Cullen adorers is now so effing big that you really have to wonder if these girls actually jump on it because they love Edward Cullen, or because they jumped on because their friends did. Regardless, I have only read the first Twilight book and I don't plan to read the rest. Why? Because Twilight is gay. Utterly and Irrevocably Gay. Poorly written, oldest concept in the world being treated like its something fresh and new and amazing, shit heroine with personality of a peice of wood, Robert Pattison looking like he can fit small coins between every gap in his teeth.

I know Stephanie Meyers thinks she deserves all that money, but all she really did was transform screaming 13 year old girls into more screaming 13 year old girls, which doesn't really deserve positive recognition. At first I didn't care about it all, but just being surrounded by the twilight craze is enough to make me hate it. It's not that good. I LOVE vampire romance stories- but they could have picked a better one to make a fuss over than this 3rd grade peice of boring poo poo.

- Customers. Of all shapes and sizes. The negative ones. The fat bitches who yell at you because you don't give them every second of your precious time, like they're the most important person on the world. The ones who make complaints at the end even when you apologise and tell them that you'll never make that mistake again. Some stupid fat bitch at Rodd & Gunn said ignored her when I was on my break. Well I was ON MY BREAK, and I didn't even see her walk past! NOT done out of malice! I came off my break (only 10 mins later) and asked her if she needed any help. She said no, I'm going to be served by the other lady, because you have ignored me. I look at the 'other lady'. She's completely busy. I say look, I can help you now if you'd like, to save you time waiting for the other lady to finish up. And the fat bitch says no, I will just keep waiting for her, because you ignored me and I don't want to be served by you.

She also made sure to tell me "I have trained in customer service and I've never seen someone ignore me like you have" (which I guess makes sense, it can be hard to miss such a fat person in the store, and for that I feel abit guilty) like she was some kind of customer service pro. Whatever, just pretend like you're bloofy Anna Wintours from Vogue and not some middle aged whale bitch with botox, buying size 104 pants for her husband. So I make my heartfelt apology and tell her that I will keep my ears out open next time. And she says OK, fine. Then later complains for a good 5 minutes that the service she just had was the slowest she's ever experienced. Well that's her own fault for refusing to accept my help! God, do people just TRY and be stupid?!

For the record, the customer is NEVER right!


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