P is for POO

I got my net comm essay back. Another P. Wow...who would have thought!? Well Ps get degrees!

Comments from my tutor Michael. As is the usual case for Net Comm, I don't completely understand what hes saying, (somewhere around the end of the first paragraph).

This was a satisfactory response to the assessment task. I felt, however,
that the case study of ninemsn.com lacked sufficient dynamism in relation
to the specific sites of tension described by Jenkins, resulting in an
overly descriptive (rather than analytical) approach to the assessment.
This led, for instance, to claims around the mediocrity of this cultural
shift in media consumption, a position that really needed to be explored
in terms of its political ramifications. The gesture to collective
intelligence, a passing acknowledgement of these other fields of inquiry,
was also unclear – this needed to be either linked back to the case study
or an general argument.

While presentation was adequate, but frequent problems with both structure
had the unfortunate effect of detracting from the argument being
presented. Referencing is also a major concern – the absence of citations
for secondary material runs a risk of plagiarism, always provide
sufficient documentation!



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